Social Media Content Plan

Social Media Content Plan

So you’ve identified the social channels where your ideal audience hangs out, created accounts – complete with all the brand profile details, and are ready to start posting.

But hang on: what are you going to post? How often are you going to post? And how do you plan to engage your audience?

You need a social media plan to answer all this and more. So, in this post, we’ll show you how to create a social media content plan in ten simple steps. Once you’re done, you’ll have the answers to what and how often you’ll post, including a social media engagement strategy.

Ready to get to work? Great! We recommend you pull up a fresh document or take a pen and a piece of paper so you can plan along as we discuss each step.

How to Create a Social Media Content Plan in 10 Easy Steps

Before we dive in, let’s get this straight off the bat: always focus on providing value with your social content. Instead of taking a full-blown self-promotion strategy, take the value-first approach to attract, nurture, and sell on social media.

  1. Revisit your target audience profile and social media goals
  2. Polish your social media content categories for each social channel
  3. Decide the formats you’ll use
  4. Create an engagement plan
  5. Have a plan to share others’ content
  6. Repurpose and curate content
  7. Create a plan to encourage users to create content for you
  8. Work out how you’d promote yourself
  9. Pick out a posting frequency and create away
  10. Reflect and tweak


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